Wenig Saltiel Case Covered On News 12
Wenig Saltiel was forced to perform an eviction before sunrise, under a special court order, because a day care center was having children arrive early in the morning everyday and the department of investigation would not let the Marshal do an eviction while children were present.
Wenig Saltiel Special Counsel to speak to Housing Court Judges and Staff
Congrats to Dan Blumenthal of Wenig Saltiel LLP who will be speaking about Eviction after Foreclosure on November 15th ,2018 in a private CLE for Housing Court Judges. Joining Dan will be Bruce Bergman, author of Bergman on New York Mortgage Foreclosures ( Matthew Bender, 2018).
Co-op v. Condos: Cooperative Foreclosures: The Jungle of 'Non-Judicial" Process
If at first you feel the above quote sounds like an intimidating amount of information to comprehend at one time, you're not alone - even the savviest real estate investors and attorneys can get lost in the jungle of Co-op and Condo foreclosures.
NYCHA moves to evict 100-year-old woman from Lower East Side housing project
Defending 100 year old tenant, Ms. Passione, within the Lower East Side Rutgers Houses since 1964, from NYCHA, who claims Ms. Passione has not resided in the apartment since 2000. Ms. Passione proudly contends the NYCHA Apartment has been her exclusive domicile since 1964, and that her son, Sebastian, who has been actively trying to be put on her lease since 2004, has been her exclusive caretaker since that time.
DelShah wrests some control of Flatiron Hotel from Toshi
Enjoined tenant in possession from further tendering rent to the Owner which should otherwise be applied toward the maintenance of the building and the curing of the several violations incurred thereon under the defaulting Owner’s watch.
Mechanic's Lien Declared Void for Willful Exaggeration; Warrant of Eviction Not Stayed
Mechanic's lien for labor and materials and general construction services for $295,000 declared void and warrant of eviction stayed.
How Landlords Can Use Videotape Recordings in Summary Proceedings
Videotape recordings can be used as an element of proof in a non-primary residence or nuisance claim in a summary proceeding. Landlords should review the following issues when considering videotape recordings as a way to prepare and prove their case.